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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Sigh, Another Belated Post- 5/4

Well, here's another belated post of mine. There are a couple of issues that should be addressed, but I'll get to that at the end of the post. Onto our caching adventures of the week. Last Wednesday morning, I had time before school to find a couple caches, because of the late start. Lo and behold, the reviewers publish a couple before school, but I wouldn't have time to go get them and get back in time for school. If only they had published an hour earlier. Now, here's the part that gets me. Our FTF competitioneers/caching buddies, the FugeFinders, got the FTF on BOTH of the caches. Grrrr, grumble grumble. Then on Saturday we went to see the shorebirds in Grays Harbor, and picked up some caches along the way. Since we are working on the Washington County Challenge, we went out of our way to pick one up in Mason County, then hit several in Grays Harbor County http://www.geocaching.com/bookmarks/view.aspx?guid=fc7b2939-2234-4209-be19-f49e4fbab837. On Sunday, we attended the infamous FugeFinders 10 Years! event in Sumner. We met a lot of cachers that we had been longing to meet, and caught up with other caching friends. The Fuges placed two caches prior to the event and gave the crowd the coordinates during the event. As soon as we got the coords for both caches, we headed out. We got the FTF on one of them with fozroc, GPSWonderer, and theDarknyght. Well, that's it for the geocaching adventures of the week. Now onto other business.

First of all, I noticed that a couple others have found out about my blog... cool. Maybe I'll add some more widgets to play with. Second, we are coming up on our 1 year anniversary of becoming geocachers. On May 17 (the anniversary), I will start adding pictures to blog posts. Who knows, maybe I'll even have posts for individual caches we find and add individual pictures there. We'll see what happens. Until next week...

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